Bullets are a little like automobiles. Most will get you there, yet opinions vary widely on calibers. Many folks are keenly loyal to a specific one. As Americans, we are blessed with the freedom to choose from a wide variety of shooting options from the diminutive .223 Remington to the blusterous .45/70. Phillip Massaro takes a humorous gaze into the muzzle of popular calibers and believes that your favorite makes a statement about you.

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We all have a favorite, regardless of what our intended quarry may be; that one rifle cartridge that is near and dear to us. Just as our favorite colors can be indicative of our personalities, our favorite rifle cartridge can tell an awful lot about us as shooters. Let us begin, shall we, with tongue planted firmly in cheek.

1. .223 Remington

This is the Banty rooster of the bunch, the case with the Napoleonic complex; you embrace it believing you can take on the whole world with a microscopic cartridge, and you may just be right. You have no desire, whatsoever, to hear of any other centerfire cartridge, because your level of self confidence when armed with the .223 will send tactical zombie elephants running for their lives, wetting themselves at the very sight of your AR… [continued]

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