Hickory trees are just about everywhere. A lot of people don’t take the time to pick up hickory nuts, crack them open, and scoop the meat out. If they did, they’d quickly realize what they’d been missing.

I pick up enough hickory nuts every year to net four gallons of hickory nut meat every year. I share some with my family and friends, but most of them go into desserts that I bake. It sure is a lot cheaper, and more enjoyable than buying the same thing in a grocery store.

Jay Nehrkorn shares his experiences in a blog for Outdoor News.

Hickory nut hunting is an outdoor activity that almost anyone can do, and it’s a good way to get the whole family out in the woods on a beautiful fall day. It’s especially fun for kids, as they can make a game out of seeing who can find the most or trying to toss them into a bucket from distance. And if you haven’t tried hickory nuts in banana bread or cookies before, you might be pleasantly surprised at the flavor they add to the recipe. Come to think of it, they would probably also be good on cinnamon rolls, or on a cake, or in zucchini bread, or sprinkled over a chocolate pie… maybe with a cup of coffee on the side… [continued]

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