Bagging a buck, gobbler, or limits of geese are achievements to celebrate, yet the hunt isn’t over until that venison adorns your table. Commercial shipping is one answer, but that option can be quite expensive and may not be readily available. By planning ahead, you can fly your game as part of your luggage allotment with certain restrictions, as Prois Hunting Apparel‘s Kristie Pike lays out in this informative article. Remember that a small cooler such as the new Yeti Hopper can be used to take deer tenderloin, marinated goose breasts, and other special treats to hunting camp.

Tip of the month… packing considerations when transporting meat home from your hunting destination. I realize this may seem simple. But anyone who flies frequently to hunt realizes there are many hurdles to traveling by air. I have found the logistics of getting meat home is one of the more difficult to navigate. Here are some insights I have learned from much trial and error. (More error than anything else, actually)

1. Pack your clothing and a duffel bag in your cooler and check that as a bag. What this does is ensures you do not have to run around looking for another cooler prior to flying out of your destination. Often, there is little time to do this. And occasionally there may not be a place to purchase a cooler. Once at camp, you can offload your gear into your duffel… [continued]

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