black-bear3-620x330Bowhunting black bears can be dangerous, especially after the shot. Black bears often have layers of fat that reduce blood flow making even a lethal wound challenging to follow. Since they thrive in dense thickets and swamps, trailing a bear is often done on hands and knees.

In this instance, a Minnesota bowhunter thought he was retrieving a dead bruin until the animal suddenly turned on him. This post gives the details and shares a video of a fellow hunter who helped rescue the mauled hunter.

A hunter has been mauled by an enormous black bear after shooting it with a bow and arrow in Minnesota.
The man, who has not been named, was hunting in dense woodland near Duxbury with a group of friends on Friday night when he fired at the 525lb animal.

Fearing the bear’s meat would spoil in the evening heat, the group then waited four hours before using its blood trail to track it several miles in the darkness.

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Photo (top): The Daily Mail