Coyotes are among natures most aggressive predators and this one must have overdosed on Red Bull back at its den. As you watch, you’d expect the coyote to be wrestling a deer or other prey species, yet as the fight-to-the death struggle continues, you can’t help but be surprised. Notice the size of this coyote that seems large enough to be a wolf, a very uncomfortable trend in the USA. Coyotes are not only becoming more plentiful, they seem to be getting larger. A friend showed a picture of a coyote killed in Western Maryland that weighed 78 pounds, a size that could be lethal to humans.

The teeth of a coyote are designed for killing and ripping flesh.
The teeth of a coyote are designed for killing and ripping flesh.

Coyotes hunt best in packs and one of the really disturbing scenarios for fans of mule deer plays out like this. Mountain lions are very powerful, stealthful animals that can easily catch and kill any deer they find and a Colorado biologist explained how predation can work. They have speed and the ability to attack from above, making mule deer easy prey, especially in deep snow where the cat’s large paws allow it to outrun a deer. Once killed, a full grown deer will sustain a mountain lion for several days to a week, depending upon the size of each animal. Unfortunately, the scent from a fresh kill is quickly noticed by coyotes and one lion can’t hold off a pack. The coyotes claim the carcass and the mountain lion must kill again. Such instances are difficult to document and are usually reported by trappers and other adventurous types that spend time in the mountains during winter.

You may have seen dog vs. cat fights before, yet I doubt that you’ve seen one involve this much blood. You’ll have to decide which creature is the winner and only guess whether the damage done will be fatal. In this corner… mountain lion. In this corner… coyote. Come out fighting… and they do.