A waterhole can be a source of magic when conditions are right.  In Africa, I’ve seen hundreds of animals at point-blank range as they come and go routinely to drink.  This works especially well in dry conditions or where water is not readily available.

Digging and keeping a waterhole operating takes lots of work, yet the folks at Banks Outdoors have simplified the process such that nearly anyone can do it.  As a leader in building fiberglass shooting houses, they have developed three sizes of tanks that provide water at a slow rate without the need for pumps, electricity, even batteries.  Each unit is an airtight container and a trough (or two) where animals drink.

Without the need for pumps or batteries, the Wild Water system operates by gravity and air pressure.
Without the need for pumps or batteries, the Wild Water system operates by gravity and air pressure.

Biologist Approved

Traditional feeders concentrate deer at a particular location which can have detrimental effects on the herd.  When deer concentrate, the potential for disease transmission increases, the reason that baiting deer is illegal in some states.  Additionally, during a dry fall deer often drink at cattle ponds which are a breeding ground for the tiny midge that spreads EHD, a disease that can easily kill 50 percent of a local deer herd.  The Banks watering system eliminates this problem since all types of animals will come, drink, and leave eliminating the disease transmission problem.  Additionally, providing water for game animals is incredibly humane and legal in all states, even if used for hunting.

Setting Up a Tank

H2O water soluble minerals insure that deer benefit from the minerals.
H2O water soluble minerals insure that deer benefit from the minerals.

Since water is heavy, you will need to select a spot where water can easily be deposited,yet animals will quickly smell the precious liquid and begin drinking, probably at night in the case of whitetail deer.  Once they learn that the source is consistent, you can revisit and refill the tank as needed.  Although water is heavier than corn it’s cost is a fraction when you compare 100 pounds of corn and 100 pounds of water.  A Banks water hole becomes the perfect camera post and you can bet that animals of all types will be regular visitors.  Finally, Banks now offers water minerals to boost herd health and antler growth.  Many minerals for deer are wasted as they dissolve into the ground, yet these minerals will be 100 percent consumed.

… <a href=”www.banksoutdoors.com” target=”_blank”>[continued]</a></blockquote>