Hunting on Sunday is common in most states, but a few Eastern states maintain their “blue laws,” prohibiting or restrict hunting, even on private land.

Some progress has been made to change the Sunday ban, yet a few states still hold onto statutes that have been on the books for a hundred years.

Mike Marsh is trying to change the regulations in North Carolina and is taking to social media with his cause. Here’s his plan, as reported by News & Observer.

bear-hunt-2-800x533[1]Virginia hunters are participating in their first Sunday hunts for wild game in recent times. With Virginia fallen, North Carolina stands alone, surrounded by states that allow the general public to hunt with firearms on Sundays. Opposition to the ban on Sunday hunting in Virginia was identical to that in North Carolina. Hound groups opposed Sunday hunting bills and helped shoot them down in similar committees of both legislatures.

However, when Matt O’Brien set up the Facebook page “Legalize Virginia Sunday Hunting For All,” it was the coup de grace for the ban. Tracking his success is North Carolina hunter C.J. Flay Jr., who set up a similar Facebook page and group.