Is there a black bear in your back yard? Are you sure? This is weaning time in the bear world, and those male cubs that mama bear nurtured for two years are getting the boot. Suddenly on their own, these grown cubs wander about and, like teenagers, sometimes get into trouble in suburban neighborhoods. Fortunately, they are not usually aggressive, yet still dangerous, humans must always be cautious. We don’t often think of Louisiana as black bear country, yet several neighborhoods are having unwelcome visitors, as detailed in this Bowhunting World article.

Black bears thrive in remote areas, but become a concern as they roam close to humans.
Black bears thrive in remote areas, but become a concern as they roam close to humans.

A young black bear has been a backyard spectacle in a central Louisiana neighborhood where he has spent the past week up one tree or another as he searches for a new home. The bear is among three to five that have wandered into populated parts of Louisiana in the past 10 days, said wildlife biologist Maria Davidson, head of the large carnivore program for the state Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

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