“The will to prepare to succeed is more important than the will to succeed.”

Fob Foulkrod is one of America’s most successful hunters, and this statement often leads his seminars. You can have the will to throw a baseball 90 miles an hour, yet that feat is simply a fantasy unless you;re willing to make the significant physical preparations to work toward that goal. Corey Jacobson feels the same way about elk hunting, and challenges hunters to commit to serious mental and physical preparations to succeed in elk hunting. He offers seminars across the country and shares his findings.

Success. It’s setting a goal, and then reaching that goal without compromise. Sure, there are many factors that can make an elk hunt a “success”, but at the end of the day, if you have an elk tag in your pocket and a weapon in your hand, you have a desire and intent to kill an elk. You have a goal to successfully fill your tag. So, why are so many elk hunters not reaching that goal? I’ll tell you why — because it’s tough!

elk-in-kentucky-e9c2fa2a26d24c32[1]Success rates for public land, DIY elk hunters hover somewhere just above 10%. Approximately one out of eight elk hunters come home with an elk. Or, it means that the average elk hunter fills their tag once every eight years. I don’t know about you, but those odds don’t appeal to me. I want better than that, and I think you do as well… [continued]

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